Sunday, April 24, 2011

1905 Report from West Pittston

Frpm The Westminister, a new series of The Presbyterian Journal

The First Presbyterian Church, West Pittston, Rev. W. R. Harshaw, D.D., pastor, has closed a prosperous year. An accession of fifty-two members, and a total of 580 of a membership reported to the General Assembly this year. The congregation has given this year a little over $19,000 for various purposes, about $14000 to missionary and general benevolence, and the remainder was spent on its own immediate field. The Italian mission which has been conducted by this church for a number of years is now under the superintendency of Rev. Jerome Vavolo. The work still prospers, and it is hoped in a short time to erect a building for this branch of the work.
I don't know whether the increase in membership means grandfather was an evangelist or was simply gaining by adding the children of his members.  I suspect some of both.  According to wikipedia, the population of Pittston increased by about 21 percent between 1890 and 1900.

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