Cousin Marjorie bugged me about blanks in our genealogy. I wasn't optimistic because I thought I'd done a good job researching in the past. But grandmother Ada Rippey's sister Mary had married a Frederick Swartz Crawford (a Presbyterian minister, of course) and I hadn't found any descendants. So, rather idly, I Googled him, and got a hit because he was one of the descendants of Michael Sprenkel, for whom there is a big
family tree. He was an immigrant from Germany who ended up in York county, PA, dying in 1748. I gather the Germans were in the northern part of York, with the Scotch-Irish in the townships near the Maryland line, although they tended to move out, to the south, the west, or the north like the Rippeys before and after the Revolution.
The hit provided me with information for four children, Ada Vere, Elizabeth, Carl, and Frederick, from which I was able to tie Ada Vere to her husband, Claude Pomeroy, by whom she had 6 children, 2 girls, 4 boys. Also got some information for the others. Fortunately there were other family trees available to help, as well as to offer the hope of communicating with fellow researchers, when I get to it.
Stimulated by that success, I went back to Ada's brother, Joseph, and his two girls: Grace and Josephine. Made a little progress, though I may have turned up two Graces.
All in all, a productive weekend