Friday, September 28, 2007

Rev. John Newton Rippey, MD

Bobbie Ernst had mentioned him, and I vaguely remembered stumbling across his name a time or two. So I finally did a Google on him. He turns up as an Episcopalian minister in at a convention in Michigan in 1898. But this site has an interesting mention of him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am fascinated to finally see some more informtion on Dr. John Newton Rippey. I own an antique shop and several years ago acquired part of his estate. I spent three years doing a geneology study on him. Included in the items I purchased was thirty some letters he wrote to his sister In Geneva during the Civil War. There were many more but the person I bought them from was an idiot and split part of them up. They are fascinating. He was in Virginia at the time. I am also in Virginia. I think I could put you in touch with the current owner if you are interested. I also had his entire ministry which took him from Nebraska to Michigan and finally to Indiana. We had volumns when we were done dating from pre-civil war to the 1940's-info on children, grandchildren, mason's items, lockets from the Civil War, a tattered umbrella from Civil War era, law suit info, stocks, and even utility bills. There are numerous tin types including one with Dr. Rippey in uniform. There are photos with many family members and too many other things to mention. Please feel free to contact me if you would like. I am at