Monday, March 18, 2013

Clarifications on Irish Harshaws

Marjorie has clarified to me: "Loughgilly"  is the civil parish in County Armagh, "Donaghmore" is the civil parish in County Down, Ballydogherty is the townland in County Down where Andrew and Sarah Harshaw lived, from which Sarah and 3 of her sons emigrated.

I also ran across this writeup: not about the church where the Harshaws worshipped, which was Tyrone's Ditches, but nearby church which split.

"The same evangelized truth continued to be taught and the worshipping community peaceful and prosperous under the ministry of Mr. Turrittine for 12 years, when an event occurred which suddenly and unexpectedly proved the occasion of dividing the congregation into two equal parts.  This event was the rebuilding of their meeting house consisting of four large aisles, but now falling into decay.  One party to suit their local convenience would have the new house built at the village of Mountnorris about three fourths of a mile distant.  The other party from the same motive would have it erected on the old ground and both actually began to build in the two places at the same time.  Their common minister, as may be well imagined, was greatly disappointed.  For some time he preached at a bleach mill midway between the two houses which were being erected for him, and performed the other duties of his office alike to both sides.  Matters were carried on in this manner for some time until the Presbytery visited the congregation and decided that the house erected in the village of Mountnorris should in future be Mr. Turrittine’s place of labour.  This decision, which was no doubt considered partial, rash, and inconsiderate by many at the time, immediately led the party at Tullyallen to resolve to apply to the Associate or Secession Presbytery of Monaghan to take them under their care and supply them regularly with services.  This was done and shortly afterwards in the year 1791 Mr. Wm McAuley was ordained amongst them as their minister.  A few years afterwards a wing of the original congregation around Kingsmill and remote from both the former places formed themselves into a separate congregation there and is at the present time in a flourishing condition."

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